Monday, May 17, 2010

The Little Things

So life only gets more hectic as time goes by. In these times of great hecticity (work with me) it is important to enjoy some of the nice moments as they come along.

Recently, I have enjoyed the following things:

1. My son sitting in front of me on the lawnmower in a big straw cowboy hat.
2. Red Bell Pepper in anything and everything it can possibly go in.
3. Tin Star Tacos, anytime I can justify paying to eat out.
4. Riding a bicycle.
5. Date Night with Allison.
6. My daughter’s report card.
7. Having Fajitas at Shannon’s house.

What have you enjoyed recently?

1 comment:

  1. Well it seems that everyone else has a terrible life. Sorry to rub it in.
